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Happy 10th Birthday, MBB! (And the Monday Poll)

So…what is the Monday Poll?

ठीक छ, यो एक चुनाव ठीक छैन। यो निरन्तर विकसित (निशोएको?), विगत 10 (!) को लागी म प्रत्येक सोमबार बिहान खोजेका चिन्ताहरूको केही अनियमित सूचीमा छ। (यो तपाईंको मस्तिष्कको लागि किकस्टर्ट जस्तै छ।) मैले टिप्पणीहरूमा तपाईंको उत्तरहरू पढ्न रमाईलो गरें, साथै म आशा गर्दछु कि तपाईं मेरो पढ्न रमाईलो गर्नुहुन्छ। नि?

1. beauty products for which you always have backups/extras around in situation you run out?

Two things.

Actually, three things. I always have an additional bottle of Kate Spade… Kate Spade, LOL! I meant Kate Somerville Anti Bac Clearing lotion to keep the pimples away.


I likewise keep an additional bottle (or two) of Rita Hazan root Concealer Touch-Up Spray in Dark Brown/Black around since my roots are all about showing up at the most inopportune times.

Third thing is body lotion. I can’t fathom living in a home where one runs out of body lotion.

2. What are some things you like to buy in bulk?

Toilet paper. I like having obnoxious amounts of toilet paper at home, as well as I get freaked out by the believed of not having sufficient toilet paper around… Does anybody ever get one of those bit packs with the four rolls as well as be okay with it? म होइन।


बिरालाहरू र मेकअप स्वेटशर्ट ??

$ 42

शप अब

3. What are some places, other than where you online now, that you might see yourself living in?

I might see myself living in southern California, like in San Diego. ओ! I like San Diego…

And Hawaii, of course.

But both sets of Connor’s grandparents online right here in northern California, so I believe we’ll be staying here, however if Connor decides to go to college someday in Hawaii or San Diego or someplace else, perhaps El Hub as well as I will pack up as well as move there!

4. I believe it’s important to…

Get sufficient sleep! — otherwise, it’s Grumpy Goatville the next day. (I may or may not be referring to myself.)

I likewise believe that it’s important to take the time to believe before speaking, since some things can’t be taken back.

And it’s important to moisturize those hands, girl.

5. exactly how frequently do you leave the home with wet hair?

Oh, like…never. I never do it, not even in the summertime, since my hair isn’t the type that air dries nicely. I end up appearing like a rabid poodle.

6. What is your inner voice speaking about today?

First, it’s stating happy BIRTHDAY, MBB! since today is makeup as well as beauty Blog’s 10th birthday. I started the blog on February 20th, 2007.

Second, it’s telling me to “bring it” when I go to HIIT class tonight, since there are great deals of, like, hardcore athletes in the night class who don’t mess around.

Happy birthday, MBB!!!!

वाह। 10 years. I never imagined… So many fun times.

Today is the day. I started MBB precisely 10 years back today.

वाह। I can’t even… I’m speechless. That is SUCH a long time for something like a blog. For anything, really.

Sometimes I can’t even keep in mind being an adult before MBB, LOL!

Thank you for making this one of the most fulfilling, fascinating, fun things I’ve ever been included with.

I’m feeling so many emotions right now…but I don’t want to bore you or get as well cheesy. Suffice to say, say thanks to you for costs part of your life with me.

What an outstanding ride!! say thanks to you for taking it with me.

Here’s to more memories, more makeup as well as more great times, my friend. happy Monday to you. शुभ दिन।

तपाईंको मैत्री समुदाय सौन्दर्य दुर्व्यसनी,



पी। एस right here are the poll concerns to copy/paste:

1. beauty products for which you always have backups/extras around in situation you run out?
2. What are some things you like to buy in bulk?
3. What are some places, other than where you online now, that you might see yourself living in?
4. I believe it’s important to…
5. exactly how frequently do you leave the home with wet hair?
6. What is your inner voice speaking about today?

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